2015 m. liepos 28 d., antradienis

CQ WPX CW Contest 2015

Although CQ WPX CW Contest ended almost 3 months ago, I decided to write a few words about my participation in this contest from Norway.
This year I have bought an old VS-3340 tri-band antenna produced by HIDAKA company (Japan). 3 el. yagi antenna for 10, 15, 20 m and rotary dipole on 40 m band.
The weather this spring was not very favorable in Selbu - most of days before the contest were cold and rainy. But after a few days of hard work, this antenna has been mounted, adjusted and raised to approx. 10 meters over the ground (thanks to my son Tomas for help). Antenna has no rotor and was rotated manually.

For 80 m band I've built a dipole antenna, which also could be called "Inverted Vee" because the ends of the dipole was only 5 meters above the ground.

During this contest I've used ELECRAFT K2 QRP transceiver (instead of FT-817), which weighs only 1.7 kg and fits freely into my traveling backpack. This is especially important when traveling by plane.
I work out all the 36 hours. Conditions were good, I was happy to catch an excellent openings on 20 and 15 m band, especially to NA. It was also nice to save into a log to a few Chinese radio stations, which I can't do from my home with simple long wire antenna.
Here are the results:

Call: LA/LY5G
Operator(s): LY5G

QTH: Selbu
Operating Time (hrs): 36

Band QSOs
80: 15
40: 216
20: 553
15: 281
Total: 1065 Prefixes = 605 Total Score = 1,246,905

CU in next Contest, 72!

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