2015 m. rugpjūčio 22 d., šeštadienis

Lithuania VHF Chempionship 2015

Hello from Alksnėnai, KO05UW. It is a small willage next to the road of Klaipėda - Plungė, on the right side if you drive from Klaipėda. One of the nearest hill from my QTH, approx. 150 m ASL. On August 15th, 2015 we set up here our station for LY VHF Chempionship. "We", it's me and Žilvinas, LY2SS.

We are ready for LY VHF Contest. Excellent weather forecast, tents not needed :)

A few hours before contest when we tested antennas we heard radio beacons from Sweden, Finland and Denmark ant made a few Aurora QSO on 144 MHz. But during the contest all beacons disappeared and conditions on all bands were from poor to moderate.

Žilvinas LY2SS, 1296 MHz and 144/432 MHz FM position

We have used two transceivers FT-857D on 144 and 432 MHz and one FT-817 plus VK5EME transverter  for 1296 MHz. All antennas were long Yagi, except 145/433 MHz vertical polarization short yagi on one boom for FM:

144 mHz, 12 el Yagi 50W. ODX 599 km EW7IM
432 MHz, 17 el yagi 20W. ODX 397 km SP2DDV
1296 mHz. 47 el Yagi 3W (instead of expected 20) ODX 324 km SM7LCB

We did not have equipment above 1296 Mhz, so we finished with final result 19031 points. When we calculated points, Žilvinas said: "I will start to built new band transceivers right now :)". Let us check his pledge next year...

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